Re: Authorized Traditional Chinese translation of WCAG 2.1

Dear Yen-Lin,

To have the translation get as much as wide and comprehensive review by 
the community, can you please include:

* some reviewers beyond Taiwan, e.g., Hong Kong or Macau, regions that 
also use Traditional Chinese?
* more reviewers from business companies, e.g., web developers/designers?

Please be kindly informed that WCAG 2.2 is advancing to W3C 
Recommendation and will be ready for translation as well. You are highly 
welcome to translate either or both of WCAG 2.1 and 2.2.


On 9/7/23 3:52 PM, xueyuan wrote:
> Dear Yen-Lin,
> Thank you for notifying us of your translation intention. We team will 
> evaluate the stakeholders list and then get back to you asap.
> Best Regards,
> Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
> On 9/5/23 6:57 PM, 黃彥霖 wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> *
>> *
>> On behalf of ministry of digital affairs, moda, We would like to 
>> express our intention of becoming the Lead Translating Organization 
>> (LTO) for developing an authorized Traditional Chinese translation of 
>> WCAG 2.1.
>> *
>> *
>> The list of stakeholders for the review is provided below:
>> *
>> *
>> **LTO: ministry of digital affairs, moda**
>> *
>> *
>> ministry of digital affairs, moda
>> <>
>> Yen-Lin Huang(黃彥霖)
>> Jedi Lin(林克寰)
>> YY LI(李岳寅)
>> Rui-Yang Ni(倪睿洋)
>> *
>> *
>> **Business Company**
>> Information Service Industry Association of R.O.C.
>> 中華民國資訊軟體協會
>> <>
>> Hsin-En Li(力信恩)
>> *
>> *
>> **Local organizations for people with disabilities**
>> *
>> *
>> Parents’ Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Taiwan
>> (中華民國智障者家長總會)
>> <>
>> Josephine J. F. Liu(劉貞鳳)
>> *
>> *
>> Taiwan Association for Disability Rights (TADR)(台灣障礙者權益促進會)
>> <>
>> Peter Chang(張宗傑)
>> *
>> *
>>  National Association of The Deaf R.O.C(Taiwan)(中華民國聾人協會)
>> <>
>>  Niu,Shuan-Wen(牛暄文)
>> Taiwan Federation Of Blind(社團法人中華視障聯盟)
>> Yun JinLien(雲鈞蓮)
>> *
>> *
>> Taiwan Association for Psycho-social 
>> Rehabilitation(社團法人台灣社會心理復健協會)
>> <>
>> Eva Teng(滕西華)
>> *
>> *
>> **Academy/Educational institutions**
>> Kaohsiung Medical University Department of Medical  Sociology and 
>> Social Work
>> (高雄醫學大學醫療社會學與社會工作系)
>> <>
>> Wang kuo-yu(王國羽)
>> *
>> *
>> Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling,
>> National Changhua University of Education(國立彰化師大復健諮商研究所)
>> <>
>> Ming-Hung Wang(王敏行)
>> *
>> *
>> Department of Law,National Chung Hsing University(國立中興大學法律學系)
>> <>
>> Bernard Y. KAO (高玉泉)
>> *
>> *
>> **Invited Experts**
>> *
>> *
>>  i18n WG
>> Bobby Tung(董福興)
>> *
>> *
>> All the organizations' members above have expressed their willingness 
>> to review the translation.
>> *
>> *
>> Yen-Lin Huang
>> *
>> *
>> --
>> Yen-Lin Huang 黃彥霖
>> Mail:
>> Phone: 886-978135378

Received on Monday, 11 September 2023 10:51:02 UTC