RE: [LTO approved - step 2 to 3] Re: Intent of translation of WCAG 2.1 into French

Dear Xueyuan,
Thank you for the notification, this is good news!
We are happy to start the work with our group and will let you know as soon as the French Candidate Authorized Translation, CAT, is ready.

De : xueyuan <>
Envoyé : lundi 6 septembre 2021 04:02
À : Sylvie Duchateau <>;
Cc : Audrey Maniez <>; Shadi Abou-Zahra <>; Shawn Henry <>;
Objet : [LTO approved - step 2 to 3] Re: Intent of translation of WCAG 2.1 into French

Dear Sylvie,

Thank you and Access42 for being willing to lead the translation, and recruiting the stakeholder organizations.

On behalf of the W3C and of the WAI team, I am happy to notify you, in your quality of LTO, to proceed with the preparation of a Candidate Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.1 (<><>) into French.

We are entering step 3 of the policy for Authorized W3C Translations, in which the LTO develops a "Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT)" of the entire document (<><>). When complete, the LTO announces the CAT and its URI on the translators' mailing list (<><>).

Best regards,
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
On 9/2/21 6:18 PM, Sylvie Duchateau wrote:
Dear all,
Following my e-mail from 2 July 2021, please find below the list of stakeholders who expressed their interest to participate in the French Translation of WCAG 2.1 and agreed to review it.
The group is composed of 42 organizations coming from:

1.       Belgium: 3 organizations;

2.       Denmark: 1 organization;

3.       France: 21 organizations;

4.       Luxembourg: 4 organizations;

5.       Quebec/Canada: 8 organizations;

6.       Switzerland: 3 organizations;

7.       Tunisia: 1 organization;

8.       United Arab Emirates: 1 organization.

Here is a list of the organizations classified by sector and in an alphabetical order.

We will start working on the translation as soon as we get the confirmation to do so.

Best regards

Sylvie Duchateau, for Access42

1.                   Associations of and for people with disabilities (6)
AnySurfer, Belgium :
Active in the field of web accessibility since nearly 20 years. Work for people with visual disabilities in Brussels and Flanders. The goal is to improve web accessibility in Belgium. Main activities: training, outreach, audits, of web and mobile applications and documents as well as advice during design and development

  1.  APF France Handicap, France
Promotes inclusion of people with disabilities. Participated in the WCAG 2.0 translation, and AccedeWeb documentation.

  1.  Daisy Consortium, Switzerland
The DAISY Consortium was founded in May 1996 by several libraries providing audiobooks in order to create digital books. Creates the DAISY format Digital Talking Books (DTB), then plays a key role in the development of the ePub format. Inside of the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and the W3C. The Consortium gathers around 70 non profit organizations that support the accessible e-book publishing. DAISYand ePub standards  have improved reading for people who cannot read printed documents because of visual, motor perceptual, growing, cognitive or learning disability. All information should be accessible to people with disabilities at the same time and at the same cost with an accessible format and functionalities.

3.       Fédération des Aveugles de France, France
The Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France brings together activists, users, professionals and volunteers committed together for greater social and economic inclusion of visually impaired people. They have set the goal of allowing full citizenship to all blind and visually impaired people withoutexception, in France and abroad. The Fédération des Aveugles et Amblyopes de France makes digital accessibility for visually impaired people a strategic axis in favor of their social and professional inclusion. To that end, they annually organize Technology and Visual Impairment Study Days (JET DV), publish documentation ("ABC of digital accessibility"), studies ("Study on the use of screen readers "through their partnership with Access42), set up an e-learning module to raise awareness on digital accessibility, develop an application to raise awareness on visual impairment (" Eyeview"), provide awareness training and carries out web site evaluations which use the criteria of the RGAA and the uses of visually impaired people.

4.       Passe-Muraille, Belgium
Training, outreach, communication and study. Created in 1998 to help the inclusion of people with disabilities. Three years ago, they created inclunet, for the inclusion of people with disabilities. They are doing trainings, audits, and their expert has been trained in France by BrailleNet and Access42.<>

  1.  Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Québec, Quebec/Canada
Federation of associations promoting the rights of blind and partially sighted people

1.                   Public organizations (8)

  1.  Banque de France, France
As the French central bank, the Banque de France is committed to making its digital media conform to standards.

  1.  Caisse des dépôts, France
Finance institution. Developed a platform, monparcourshandicap, fully accessible and WCAG AAA compliant.

  1.  Centre pour le développement des compétences relatives à la vue
Center helping young and adults with visual impairments. Providing advice on the designing of web pages, creating accessible documents, developing scripts to make software more accessible<>

  1.  Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat (CITE), Luxembourg
We develop many state web sites in Luxembourg. We have been working on web accessibility since 2004

  1.  Conseil National Consultatif des Personnes Handicapées (CNCPH), France
French organization that involves and organizes the participation of people with disabilities  for planning policies related to people with disabilities in France.
160 members, under the responsability of French Minister for people with disabilities. Created by law of 1975<>

  1.  État de Genève (state of Geneva), Switzerland
My work at the state of Geneva relies in evaluating the accessibility of web sites and applications for the public, so that they can be used by as many citizens as possible, including visually impaired people (blind and partially sighted people).

  1.  ETNIC, Belgium
Partner of the Wallonie-Belgium federation. 323 employees. Provide many services such as: web site and application development, forms development, network administration... in the field of digital accessibility. Organization that monitors accessibility in the field of the EU directive, and development of more than 500 sites and applications to that they conform to web accessibility standards

  1.  Service information et presse du gouvernement luxembourgeois, Luxembourg
Their mission is to control in an independent way the accessibility of public web and mobile services. Inform administration and public on accessibility. Providing answers to people complaining about the inaccessibility of content. Resolve conflicts between users and administration concerning the accessibility of their services.

2.                   Ministries (2)

  1.  Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE), France
Insee produces statistical and demographical studies to improve government decisions. INSEE is working for making their web sites and intranet applications accessible

2.       Ministry for economics and finances, communication service, France
The Communication Service (SG-Sircom) of the economic and financial ministries is responsible for making the public policies of the ministries accessible and readable by all the concerned audiences. The BATN (Assistance and Digital Technologies Office) of SG-Sircom works as technical support and manages the platforms and applications required for the web site creation, development, hosting and maintenance. This office promotes digital accessibility, in particular by disseminating standards and best practices, by supporting internal teams, by regularly monitoring published content in carrying out regular audits.<>

3.                   Other public organizations (2)

  1.  Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM), France
DINUM is a service of the Prime Minister, under the authority of the Minister of Transformation and Civil Service. It guides, animates, supports and coordinates the actions of the State administrations aimed at improving the quality, effectiveness, efficiency and reliability of the services provided by the State's information and communication system. It advises the Prime Minister and the competent ministers on taking digital into account in the public policies implemented by the ministries, in particular: ... It defines the principles and rules of urbanization and construction of public information systems. To this end, it organizes and leads the consultation necessary for the constitution and development of general standards and can, if necessary, issue labels to solutions and services respecting these principles and rules (including the general accessibility reference in the field of digital accessibility).<>

  1.  STM, Société de transport de Montréal, Quebec/Canada
Montreal transportation service for metro and busses. Aims at providing accessible digital services.

4.                   Private organizations specialized in digital accessibility (12)

  1.  Access42, France
Candidate for leading this translation LTO, Access42 has been working since 2014 to improve web and mobile accessibility for people with disabilities in providing trainings, audits, advice on writing web accessibility conformance statements for organizations from the public and private sector.

  1.  Atalan, France
Atalan is specialized in digital accessibility since 2002. We advise public and private organizations in taking into account digital accessibility through services such as advising, help during project development, training and audits.

  1.  Be Player One | Access First, France
Working in the field of web and mobile accessibility. Funded by the coordinator of the group who created RGAA 3 and the accompanying resources. Specialized in the field of web accessibility since more than 15 years. Worked on the translation of WCAG 2.0 in 2009

  1.  Consultation boréale, Quebec/Canada
Provides advice in digital accessibility

  1.  Deque Systems, Quebec/Canada
Inclusive accessibility and communication

  1.  Empreinte Digitale, France
Created in 1993, mainly specialized in designing, developing and hosting web or mobile sites and applications. Main clients from the public sector. 50 employees. Specialized in accessibility, agility, and user-centered.
Have been working on the writing of RGAA, reference guide provided by the French government, between 2014 and 2017. Have delivered accessibility labels.

  1.  Idéance, France
Specialized in digital accessibility: working in France and Europe for organizations from the public and private sector. We help them taking people with disabilities into acount in their services and digital content

  1.  Independent working in the field of accessibility, Quebec/Canada
Making the web accessible for developers, ux ... Member of the IAAP. Trainer, knows screen readers, knows several standards : WCAG? SQRI, RGAA...<>

  1.  Massiraa, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Massira is an UAE consultancy dedicated to integrating and meeting regulatory accessibility requirements. Its main missions are to support government and semi-government sectors, individuals and companies to meet the challenge of universal accessibility in different sectors in the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf countries.<>

  1.  SiteImprove, Denmark
Siteimprove provides a SaS web site management platform, with an important  accessibility module. Siteimprove performs automated tests as well as  manual tests. Siteimprove is a partner in the writing of "ACT rules" ( and participated in the european project "WAI tools" (<>

  1.  Tanaguru, France
Accessibility Team of the Oceane consulting Group. Doing audits, training, advising, development of tools and accessible sites

  1.  Temesis, France
Web agency providing training, audits and advice in the field of digital accessibility

5.                   Private companies working in the digital field (2)
1. E-Voyageurs SNCF, France
E.voyageurs SNCF develops digital solutions dedicated to mobility: information, booking... As part of the SNCF group, this company works
on digital accessibility of the projects she is monitoring. She works together with associations of people with disabilities.
2.TElono, Sitzerland
Agency specialized in ux-centered field. Doing accessibility training and audit with the help of their partners<>

6.                   Insurance (1)

  1.  Groupe Foyer, Luxembourg
First insurance company in Luxembourg. Since the beginning of 2021 they have a program. Accessibility is part of this program. Doing several to improve accessibility: participating in the translation of WCAG 2.1 could be one of their actions.<>

7.                   Companies working in the field of telecommunications: (1)

  1.  Nokia, France
Big company acting in the telecommunications, Nokia supports the inclusion of people with disabilities through their service @talentEgal

8.                   Communication agencies (1)

  1.  PRAGM, Quebec/Canada
Advise their clients on accessibility and SEO.

9.                   People working as independents (4)

  1.  Rocío Alvarado, accessibility specialist, Quebec/Canada<>

  1.  Philippe Grassion, digital accessibility expert, France
As a Web accessibility and SEO expert, I helpfs companies to optimize their digital services in order to improve their visibility and use for people with disabilities

  1.  Julie Moynat, web accessibility specialist and developer, France
Julie has been a web accessibility specialist for many years and participates in the project as an individual

  1.  Arthur Rigaud, front-end developer, accessibility expert, Quebec/Canada

10.               Universities and research institutes (3)

  1.  Research Lab. Latice, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Member of the research laboratory in Information and communication technologies and electrical genius, LaTICE at the Tunis university. My research mainly focusses on digital accessibility. Member of the WCAG 2.0 official arabic translation committee. General coordinator of the official arabic translation of WCAG 2.1  member of the W3C advisory committee.

  1.  Université de Bordeaux, France
The university provides an accessibility policy since 2015. Since 2016, implement an accessibility policy. Last updated in April 2020 to implement accessibility at the Bordeaux University<>

  1.  Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France
This university provides a master on accessibility, assistive technologies  and disabilities

Received on Tuesday, 7 September 2021 08:07:15 UTC