Dear all,
We would like to inform you that Access42 intends to become LTO for the WCAG 2.1 Authorized W3C Translation into French.
We are currently building a group of stakeholders who may help to review the translation and we will submit the list of interested organisations in the next weeks.
We already have elements for the translation and we plan to start working on the translation project with the participation of the stakeholders' group as soon as the group will be finalised, hopefully no later than September.
If anybody on this list is interested in participating in this group, please send an email to:<>
Best regards
Sylvie Duchateau
Experte accessibilité numérique
09 72 45 06 14 - 07 49 42 95 44
Expertise et formation en accessibilité numérique<> - Formations<> - Newsletter<>
Organisme de formation référencé au DataDock
et certifié Qualiopi<> pour sa démarche qualité