Request to become LTO for Polish translation of WCAG 2.1

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego, Polish NGO active in accessibility field in Poland, I send a request for becoming Leading Translation Organization for Polish translation of WCAG 2.1.

After common cooperation with a group of experts in the field we have elaborated draft version of candidate Polish translation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1. and would like to proceed with it according to the Policy for Authorized W3C Translations:


We gathered a group of stakeholders essential for digital accessibility and WCAG translation which includes:

1. FIRR - Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego  (LTO)<>

2. Fundacja Widzialni<>

3. Fundacja Aktywizacja<>

4. Polskie Forum Osób Niepełnosprawnych - PFON (Polish Disability Forum)<>

5. Wielkopolskie Stowarzyszenie Niewidomych - WSN<>

6.  Polski Związek Głuchych - PZG<>

7. Polska Fundacja Osób Słabosłyszących - PFOS<>

8. Twoje Nowe Możliwości - TNM<>

9. Department of information society, unit of digital accessibility - it has been a part of Ministry of Digital Affairs but it is to be moved to other ministry nowadays because of restructuring of our government and ministries and liquidation of the Ministry of Digital Affairs, it is still not sure where that department will go. At least we have confirmation that the department will be continued with the same responsibilities)<> > web > digitalization

10. Pełnomocnik ds. Osób niepełnosprawnych (BON - the Office of the Disability Ombudsman)<>

11. Utilitia - Social enterprise<>

12. Social enterprise - Spółdzielnia socjalna "Fado"<>

13. Pracownia Dostępności Cyfrowej LepszyWeb<>

Individual experts:

Dr Izabela Mrochen

Jakub Dębski

Agnieszka Mikołajewska

All above are involved in the digital accessibility actions - advocacy, training, auditing, consulting, promoting etc.

At the same time I would like to state our commitment to continue adding new stakeholders to the list if such will they emerge during the process.

 We also commit to respond to comments from the community and maintain the translations

after their publication, to ensure their quality and accuracy.

I hope for your acceptance of our organization as LTO.

Kind regards,


Anna Rozborska
Wiceprezeska Zarządu/ Vice-President of the Board
tel: +48-663-883-334

Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego
UWAGA!!! Zmiana adresu siedziby w Krakowie!
Attention! The change of the main office address in Cracow!

Siedziba główna / Main office:
ul. Racławicka 58
30-017 Kraków, Poland
(Centrum Biurowe Proton, I piętro)
Tel. (+48) 12 444 73 49
Faks (+48) 12 350 63 04

NIP: 677-222-15-66

Fundacja Instytut Rozwoju Regionalnego jest Organizacją Pożytku Publicznego.
Zachęcamy do przekazania nam 1%. Serdecznie dziękujemy za wsparcie!
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Received on Wednesday, 7 October 2020 09:46:59 UTC