Volunteer translation tracking relaunched

Dear Translators,

A few months ago, I announced W3C would be restarting its tracking of
volunteer translations of W3C specifications:

I am happy to announce a first major milestone in that program:
volunteer translations of W3C specifications are now again tracked and
linked from the W3C web site:

The page is expected to list all the translations that were tracked in
our previous translation tracker, completed with translations that have
since been announced on the w3c-translators mailing list. Translations
that were found to be no longer available have not been imported.

If you see translations missing from that page or if you know of
translations that were not announced on the list, please let me know.

In addition, to facilitate the work of translators, we are introducing a
new view of our translations that shows existing, ongoing and outdated

We have updated the translation guide in the process:

The main changes compared to the previous process are:
 * thanks to the above matrix, volunteer translators of W3C
specifications no longer need to search the archives of this list - we
are committed to keep the information on the matrix up to date to serve
as a sole source of information

* we request that volunteer translators create a W3C account to
facilitate our recognition of the work done by the community.

We are happy to be able to give more visibility to the great work done
by this community, and hope this will inspire or re-inspire more of
these translations.

As some of you may have noted, the plan initially presented in September
suggested a more ambitious approach to facilitate maintenance of
translations over time. While we still hope to work with interested
volunteers in experimenting with that approach, the initial feedback on
the plan was such that it seemed more important to restart the program
with as few changes as necessary.

The feedback from the translators community on the new pages would be
most appreciated.

Thank you all again for your contributions over the years: nearly half
of current W3C Recommendations have been translated in another language
- particular credits to the Japanese community who has translated more
than a quarter of all W3C Recommendations!


Received on Thursday, 28 March 2019 10:13:48 UTC