[review period - step 4] CAT of the Chinese Authorized Translation for ATAG 2.0

On 11/12/2017 17:39, Roy Ran wrote:

> This is the URL of CAT: 
> https://w3c.github.io/ATAG20-auth-trans-zh/ATAG2.0translation
Dear Wangwei, Roy, all,

Following the CAT announcement, we are now at the step in the Policy for 
Authorized Translation when W3C initiates the review process, which will 
last at least 30 days.

cf. https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html

4. W3C Initiation of Review Process:
      1. W3C announces a review period of at least 30 days of the CAT on 
the translators' mailing list, specifying a separate, publicly archived 
mailing list, in W3C or W3C Office Web space, to be used for commenting. 
This mailing list may be a per-language list for all CATs in that 
language, such as public-auth-trans-hu@w3.org for any Hungarian CAT, or 
a list specifically set up for that CAT. All comments on the CAT must be 
sent to this list. Postings to the mailing list may either be in the 
language of translation or in English.

5. LTO Notification of Review, Monitoring of Comments, and Revision of CAT:
      1. The LTO notifies the stakeholder organizations of the 
availability of the CAT, the start of the review period, and the 
existence of the mailing list for comments; directs them to send 
comments to this mailing list; and copies this notification to the 
general translators' mailing list.
      2. The LTO monitors the mailing list comments; provides 
clarification when necessary; and summarizes consensus on specific 
issues (when possible) to help the ongoing discussion.
      3. After the end of the review period, the LTO issues a new 
version of the CAT as needed, and provides a list, in English and the 
language of translation, of the points raised, and a summary of the 
discussions during the review period, describing the problems found and 
solutions agreed with the other reviewers. This summary must be posted 
both to the publicly archived mailing list for this CAT, and to the 
general translators' mailing list.
      4. In the event that no comments or only very few comments are 
received during the review period, the LTO ensures that a majority of 
the reviewing organizations send email to the translators' mailing list 
confirming that they have in fact reviewed the document, and that they 
consider it to be an accurate translation.
      5. The LTO then advises W3C whether a new review round is 
necessary or not.

The dedicated mailing list has been set up for the review process:

and the mail archive is at:

Subscription to this list can be done by sending an e-mail, with the 
subject set to 'subscribe', to:

The mailing list and the archive are public. Anybody can send an e-mail 
to the list, apart from the fact that at the first send an anti-spam 
"ritual" has to be followed (via an acknowledgement e-mail).

We encourage you to announce this review period to facilitate comments 
from the public.

Please, communicate this information to your partners (this is step 5.1 
of the Policy), and ask them to subscribe to the mailing list and use it 
for the comments. Step 5.1 requests that the general translators' 
mailing list be copied when announcing availability of the CAT. This was 
done on 11 December:

After 30 days (i.e. starting 11 January 2018), please, write back to 
w3c-translators@w3.org and to public-auth-trans-zh@w3.org with a summary 
of the comments received during the review period, and how the LTO 
addressed them.

Best regards,
Xueyuan Jia on behalf of W3C

> Thanks.
> From Roy representing LTO(ZJU).
> 在 2017/10/20 下午8:59, Xueyuan 写道:
>> Dear Wang Wei,
>> On behalf of the W3C and of the WAI team, I am happy to notify you, 
>> in your quality of LTO, to proceed with the preparation of a 
>> Candidate Authorized Translation of ATAG 2.0 
>> (<https://www.w3.org/TR/ATAG20/>) into Simplified Chinese.
>> We are entering step 3 of the policy for Authorized W3C Translations, 
>> in which the LTO develops a "Candidate Authorized Translation (CAT)" 
>> of the entire document 
>> (<https://www.w3.org/2005/02/TranslationPolicy.html>). When complete, 
>> the LTO announces the CAT and its URI on the translators' mailing 
>> list (<w3t-translators@w3.org>).
>> Best regards,
>> Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
>> On 16/10/2017 13:17, Roy Ran wrote:
>>> FYI, just forward this email to right mailing list.
>>> Best,
>>> Roy
>>> -------- 转发的消息 --------
>>> 主题:  Fwd: Re: Summary report for the Authorized Chinese Translation 
>>> of ATAG 2.0
>>> 日期:  13 Oct 2017 09:52:44 +0800
>>> 发件人:  王炜 <wangwei_eagle@zju.edu.cn>
>>> 收件人:  RAN@W3.ORG
>>> Dear all,
>>> On behalf of Zhejiang University, we would like to lead to the 
>>> translation for ATAG 2.0. That is, taking the role of Lead 
>>> Translating Organization (LTO) for developing an authorized 
>>> Simplified Chinese translation of ATAG 2.0.
>>> The list of stakeholders for the review is provided below:
>>> **LTO: Zhejiang University **
>>> Zhejiang University (浙江大学)
>>> http://www.zju.edu.cn
>>> Jiajun Bu (卜佳俊)
>>> Can Wang (王灿)
>>> Wei Wang (王炜)
>>> Zhi Yu (于智)
>>> **Government**
>>> China Disabled Persons’ Federation (中国残疾人联合会)
>>> http://www.cdpf.org.cn <http://www.cdpf.org.cn/>
>>> Jing Shen (沈静)
>>> Qin Zhou (周琴)
>>> China Academy of Information and Communications Technology  
>>> (中国信息通信研究院)
>>> http://www.caict.ac.cn <http://www.caict.ac.cn/>
>>> Yinghua Wu (吴英桦)
>>> China Electronics Standardization Institute (中国电子技术标准化研究院)
>>> Jing Wang (赵菁华)
>>> **Academy/Educational institutions**
>>> W3C Beihang (W3C 北航)
>>> http://www.chinaw3c.org/
>>> Angel Li (李安琪)
>>> Special Education College of Beijing Union University  
>>> (北京联合大学特殊教育学院)
>>> http://sec.buu.edu.cn <http://sec.buu.edu.cn/>
>>> Hanjing Li  (李晗静)
>>> Changchun University (长春大学)
>>> http://www.ccu.edu.cn <http://www.ccu.edu.cn/>
>>> Jian Zhao (赵剑)
>>> **Local organizations for people with disabilities**
>>> Chinese Braille Press (中国盲文出版社)
>>> http://www.blc.org.cn/
>>> Chuan He (何川)
>>> Information Accessibility Research Society Shenzhen
>>> http://www.siaa.org.cn/
>>> Kenny Zhang (张昆)
>>> **Business Company**
>>> Tencent (腾讯)
>>> http://www.tencent.com <http://www.tencent.com/>
>>> He Wen (温和)
>>> Alibaba Group (阿里巴巴)
>>> http://www.alibaba.com/
>>> Dapeng Liu (刘大鹏)
>>> Baidu, Inc.(百度)
>>> http://home.baidu.com/
>>> Li Guo  (郭力)
>>> IBM Human Ability & Accessibility Centre (IBM大中华区信息无障碍中心)
>>> http://www.ibm.com.cn/
>>> Peng Xu (徐朋)
>>> Haili Zhao (赵海莉)
>>> All the
>>> organizations’ members above have expressed their willingness to 
>>> review the translation.
> -- 
> Ruoxi Ran (Roy)
> Web Accessibility Engineer
> Personal Page:https://www.w3.org/People/Roy/
> W3C </> Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) </WAI>

Received on Tuesday, 12 December 2017 07:32:18 UTC