Volunteer to translate for W3


My name is Francesc, and I would like to help with some translations for 
you guys.

My native language is Catalan and I'm bilingual (I'm Spanish), but I've 
been living in London for the last 4 years.

Currently, I am working for a company called Cluboid as a web engineer 
(I program in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP)

I was reading your page 
[https://www.w3.org/Style/LieBos2e/history/Overview.en.html] and spotted 
that you have different translations available there, and I thought 
perhaps Catalan would be a welcome addition?

Would be cool to have the history of CSS recorded in Catalan.

Thanks so much in advance, enjoy your day!


Francesc Gili
Cluboid Ltd
Website: www.cluboid.com
Email: francesc.gili@cluboid.com
Office: +44(0)800 0519323

Received on Sunday, 20 August 2017 11:53:52 UTC