Re: ontology localization (into spanish)

Hi Guadalupe,

I wish there were guidelines. The fact that there aren't highlights the 
fact that localising schemas is something that hasn't been done nearly 
as much as it should.

In the coming weeks I hope to be able to identify the people most 
willing and able to create exactly the draft you seek!


On 18/02/2014 16:03, Guadalupe Aguado wrote:
> Dear Phil
> Thank you for your suggestions. Aren't there any "draft" guidelines that
> other people have used when translating the onto into the other
> languages? Just to make sure that we should start with labels, for
> instance, and leave specs for lthe last part? Any guidance would help.
> Thank you in advance
> Guadalupe
> El 18/02/2014 16:57, Phil Archer escribió:
>> Thanks Elena,
>> Yes, labels, comments and usage notes in the schema would be very
>> welcome. It's an issue I hope to raise at the workshop next month -
>> what's the most important thing to translate? The schema or the spec
>> document? If they're both full in line then copying text from one to
>> the other is easy, but which do people look at more?
>> In theory:
>> The spec includes all labels
>> The definitions in the spec = rdfs:comment in the schema
>> usage notes in the spec = usage notes in the schema
>> But although ORG provides usage notes, other specs might use
>> dcterms:description or skos:definition - we really ought to have some
>> best practice guidance on this!
>> Phil.
>> On 18/02/2014 14:21, Elena Montiel Ponsoda wrote:
>>> Dear Phil,
>>> I have had a look at some of the e-mails in the w3c-translators mailing
>>> list and also at what you wrote in [3].
>>> Would you suggest that we translate the content of rdfs:label and
>>> rdfs:comment descriptions in the schema.
>>> As I can see, this is what has also been translated for other languages,
>>> right?
>>> Thanks again!
>>> Elena.
>>> El 18/02/2014 13:42, Phil Archer escribió:
>>>> Thanks very much Elena, this is very welcome news.
>>>> In replying to you, I'm including the w3c-translators mailing list [1]
>>>> which is where we record intentions to translate. For example, I'm
>>>> pleased to see that work is under way to translate it into PT-BR too.
>>>> Please be aware that as well as the specification document there is
>>>> also the schema [2]. In theory everything is aligned so that the text
>>>> is the same. In practice, this isn't always quite true :-( [3]
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> Phil.
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>>> On 18/02/2014 11:22, Elena Montiel Ponsoda wrote:
>>>>> Dear Phil,
>>>>> my name is Elena Montiel and together with Guadalupe Aguado I will
>>>>> be in
>>>>> charge of the translation of the ORG ontology into Spanish.
>>>>> We both have a backgroung on Translation and have been working on
>>>>> Computational LInguistics (Ontology Localization among other
>>>>> topics) as
>>>>> members of the Ontology Engineering Group leaded by Asun for many
>>>>> years
>>>>> now.
>>>>> We will keep you updated of our progress!
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Elena
>>>>> El 17/02/2014 21:37, Asunción Gómez Pérez escribió:
>>>>>> Hi Phil
>>>>>> I will contact Martin just to know if some one is localizing ORG.
>>>>>>  Our experience recommends to introduce localization once the
>>>>>> model is
>>>>>> created.
>>>>>> Yes, please set up a doodle for next week.
>>>>>> KInd regards
>>>>>> Asun
>>>>>> El 17/02/2014 9:33, Phil Archer escribió:
>>>>>>> Morning all,
>>>>>>> I'm not aware of anyone else working actively on localising ORG
>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>> don't know everything ;-) In other words, there may be, but I'm not
>>>>>>> aware of it. Are you in touch with Martin Alvarez? He's the most
>>>>>>> likely to have done something on this but I'm not sure.
>>>>>>> As for localising all our vocabs - yes, let's have a call about
>>>>>>> that.
>>>>>>> I'd like to include my colleagues Sandro Hawke and Ivan Herman in
>>>>>>> that conversation. Shall I set up a Doodle poll for a call next
>>>>>>> week?
>>>>>>> My questions, that I hope to find answers for in Athens, are: how
>>>>>>> useful is this effort? What do we need to do to maximise the
>>>>>>> usefulness? How can we introduce localisation earlier in the process
>>>>>>> to avoid ambiguities that only become apparent when someone tries to
>>>>>>> translate terms.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>>> On 16/02/2014 22:21, Asunción Gómez Pérez wrote:
>>>>>>>> DEar Phil
>>>>>>>> thanks for the title of the talk and for the link to the post :-)
>>>>>>>> As you know, Elena Montiel <> and Guadalupe
>>>>>>>> Aguado
>>>>>>>> <> are working on ontology localization for a long
>>>>>>>> time in
>>>>>>>> our group.
>>>>>>>> They participate on the Ontolex group and they have already
>>>>>>>> localized
>>>>>>>> some ontologies for IFLA and W3C.
>>>>>>>> Last week we started to reuse the ORG ontology and we discovered
>>>>>>>> that it
>>>>>>>> is not in Spanish. In the following days they are starting the *ORG
>>>>>>>> localization process in spanish*. Could you please confirm that
>>>>>>>> nobody
>>>>>>>> is doing that translation?
>>>>>>>>   I would like to talk with you about*localizing all W3C ontologies
>>>>>>>> into
>>>>>>>> Spanish by the Ontology Engineering Group. *
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> ASun
>>>>>>>> El 16/02/2014 21:27, Phil Archer escribió:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Asun,
>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry to have been so slow in thinking about this. I'd like to
>>>>>>>>> talk about the efforts we've made recently to make some of our
>>>>>>>>> vocabularies available with multilingual labels. I blogged about
>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>> yesterday ( and can say more in
>>>>>>>>> Athens.
>>>>>>>>> I've posted a place holder for my slides at
>>>>>>>>> from which
>>>>>>>>> you'll see
>>>>>>>>> I've suggested a title of Demanding Multilingual Schemata which
>>>>>>>>> may or
>>>>>>>>> may not make the double meaning of 'demanding' obvious.
>>>>>>>>> I'll communicate separately over the logistics.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Phil.
>>>>>>>>> On 14/02/2014 10:48, Asunción Gómez Pérez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> DEar Nicoletta, Hans, Phill
>>>>>>>>>> We are on the process of finishing the agenda for the LInked
>>>>>>>>>> Data for
>>>>>>>>>> Language technologies Roadmapping WS.
>>>>>>>>>> I would appreciate if you could send to me  title of your
>>>>>>>>>> presentation
>>>>>>>>>> in order to update the website.
>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>> Asun
>>>>>>>>>> El 09/02/2014 10:24, Asunción Gómez Pérez escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>> DEar Nicoletta, Hans, Phil
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for supporting the LD4TLT Group Kick-Off and Roadmap
>>>>>>>>>>> meeting on
>>>>>>>>>>> linked data and content analytics in Athens with your invited
>>>>>>>>>>> talk.
>>>>>>>>>>> We are in the process of generating the agenda and I would
>>>>>>>>>>> appreciate
>>>>>>>>>>> if you could *send me the following information about your
>>>>>>>>>>> talk*:
>>>>>>>>>>>   * title of your presentation
>>>>>>>>>>>   * Afiliation
>>>>>>>>>>>   * Web page
>>>>>>>>>>>   * A paragraph describing the presentation itself.
>>>>>>>>>>> As I mentioned in the previous mail, the goal of this workshop
>>>>>>>>>>> is to
>>>>>>>>>>> gather use cases and requirements as a basis to develop a
>>>>>>>>>>> European R&D
>>>>>>>>>>> roadmap and agenda for content analytics solutions based on
>>>>>>>>>>> Linked
>>>>>>>>>>> Data.
>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>>>>> Asun
>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez
>>>>>>>>>>> Catedrática de Universidad
>>>>>>>>>>> Director of the Ontology Engineering Group
>>>>>>>>>>> Facultad de Informática owl:sameAs Escuela Técnica Superior de
>>>>>>>>>>> Ingenieros Informáticos
>>>>>>>>>>> Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
>>>>>>>>>>> Campus de Montegancedo, sn
>>>>>>>>>>> Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain
>>>>>>>>>>> Home
>>>>>>>>>>> Phone: (34-91) 336-7417
>>>>>>>>>>> Fax: (34-91) 352-4819


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 16:12:41 UTC