Summary WCAG 2.0 Swedish translation

During the public comments period the comments regarding  the translation were mainly in three categories:

·         Spelling/typing mistakes that were corrected without discussion.

·         Language and grammar issues were discussed with regard to accuracy, terminology and the urge to follow the original as closely as possible. Around a third of the comments were approved, the rest was rejected.

·         A few comments on the actual meaning of the original document, the guidelines as such etc. Since the translation was not intended to change the meaning of WCAG 2.0, the comments were rejected.

The public comments and answers are visible here:

and in the Word attachment.

Long after the comment period, the Swedish W3C office made formal comments on how a W3C document should look and also comments on what terminology should be used. Most of it was rejected.

None of the 14 organizations involved in the process had objections regarding the translation after the final changes were made.

Susanna Laurin | VD

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Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 10:12:01 UTC