Re: volunteer translator

Dear Elisa,

It is of course your prerogative to choose the document you may want to
translate. However, do you think this is really the best choice? HTML3.2
is indeed a very old recommendation; it has been superseded by HTML 4.01
which does have an Italian translation[1] thanks to Michele Diodati. Is
there any specific reason (eg, historical) why you have chosen this very

As for the general conditions, please look at the text and the
references on the Translation's home page[2]. To be honest, there is not
much more to it than what is there, unless you have very specific

Thanks for your volunteering




Elisa Calo' wrote:
> I inform the W3C of my plan to translate your content :
> "HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
> <>"
> As it's my first time, can you help me to respect all the translations
> requirements?
> I need to advise someone else about my project?
> Best regards
> Elisa Calo' 
> ----
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Ivan Herman
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Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 09:16:11 UTC