Re: Translation

First of all, than you for your mail.

I am not sure what you mean by 'participate'. If you want to translate the document then, 
please, go ahead! If you are looking for partners for the project, you should explicitly 
say so...

Based on your signature, I expect that the target language would be Spanish, but you do 
not say it:-). Actually, I am not sure whether it would be Spanish or some variant thereof 
for Latin America (I know that we make a distinction between Portuguese and Brazilian 
Portuguese on our site on request from our Brazilian translators...). If so, it is good if 
you clearly state it, too.

Thanks in advance for your contribution!


Richard Riveros Pineda wrote:
> Good Morning, my name is Richard Riveros Pineda.
> I want to participate in the translation of
> VoiceXML2.0 document.
> Can I do?.
> Thanks, 
> PD: I wait response for this mail.
> Richard Riveros Pineda
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Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 08:00:43 UTC