Re: New volunteer for translations

Well, you just forgot to tell to which language you will translate :-) Apart from that, it 
is fine, just go ahead!



Alfredo Fernández Díaz wrote:
> Hello,
> I've already sent a subscription request to the mailing list.
> I'll begin translating
> I also intend to translate,
> but given it is soooooo long it'll take me a while. So I'll probably
> translate some other documents in the w3c website meanwhile.
> Is there anything I should know before getting to work?
> Regards,
> Alfredo Fernández Díaz.


Ivan Herman
W3C Communications Team, Head of Offices
C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413
1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153;

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2005 09:08:41 UTC