Re: Available: German translation of "Accessibility Features of CSS"

Hallo Jens,

I'm the translator into spanish for this W3C Note. 
My translation is available at

Since the html and css codes are valid, I guess the  
issues you are referring to are related to the 
note's content. Could you, please, send me the 
details about those major mistakes and typos?

Thanks and best regards,

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 --- Jens Meiert <> escribió: 
> Dear W3C, dear translators,
> the German translation of "Accessibility Features of
> CSS" [1] now is
> available at
>     "Accessibility-Eigenschaften von CSS"
> I'm looking forward to any comments, remarks, and of
> course to linking on
> the part of the W3C (thank you, Ivan).
> Please note that the original note includes two
> major mistakes as well as
> several typos I'll communicate separately (I already
> informed Judy and Ian
> about them); they are fixed in the German
> translation, of course. Other
> translators of this document may ask for details
> concerning the major issues
> by contacting me separately.
> All the best,
>  Jens.
> -- 
> Jens Meiert
> Information Architect

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Received on Sunday, 19 December 2004 11:28:59 UTC