Would like to translate Some Recommendations into Hebrew


I'm Zvika from Israel.

I was curious about a localized version for some HTML, XHTML & CSS
references, and when I couldn't find it, I was disappointed.

I've noticed that only short and mainly XML related documents were translated
into Hebrew, and I need to know if someone is already translating the BIG stuff.

If no one started such a project, I would like to try it, and maintain a local
website holding the on-going translations. I have a co.il domain I can put
the progressive content on, including other WWW dev related stuff.

How do I start,
and what format do you guys at W3 organization need the translated content
to be, in order to include it in your RDF data and on your WWW ?

I have a week to get your answer, after that I'm on a leave for 3 weeks,
so please hurry with some answer if you can :)

Happy day

Received on Monday, 23 February 2004 14:13:23 UTC