Re: On translating "Feature Synopsis for OWL Lite and OWL" intoJapanese

Dear Deborah McGuinness, Frank van Harmelen and others

This is Shuji Kamitsuna from Japan again.

I put the Japanese version of "Feature Synopsis" on my website.
The URL is:

If you are interested,  I also translated "Requirements" and the URL is:

Best regards

Deborah McGuinness wrote:

>I would also like to thank you for your work on translation.
>I would be interested in having a pointer to the final translated work so that
>we may also pass it on to our japanese colleagues.
>thank you,
>Frank van Harmelen wrote:
>>Dear Shuji Kamitsuna,
>>I will answer your concrete questions below. I trust that you are also aware
>>that the "Feature Synopsis" has been revised significantly since July'02?
>>It is now called "Overview", see for a
>>pointer to the latest version, in particular
>> )
>>Concerning your concrete questions:
>>># 1 - Section 3.1
>>>"OWL can be viewed as an extension of a restricted view of the
>>>RDF language."
>>>I guess this sentence means...
>>>"It could be said that OWL is the language to extend the restricted
>>>part of the RDF language".
>>>Do I get it right?
>>Indeed, although using "a" as the particle would be somewhat better:
>>"It could be said that OWL is a language that extends a restricted
>>part of the RDF language".
>>># 2 - Section 3.3, as for "TransitiveProperty"
>>>"The same DAML+OIL side conditions hold that restrict transitive
>>>properties (and their superproperties) from having an atmost1 or
>>>an exactly1 restriction."
>>>I guess this sentence means...
>>>"The same DAML+OIL side conditions that restrict transitive
>>>properties (and their superproperties) hold from having an
>>>atmost1 or an exactly1 restriction."
>>>That is...
>>>"In the same condition, DAML+OIL may not allow transitive
>>>properties (and their superproperties) to have an atmost1 or an
>>>exactly1 restriction."
>>>Do I get it right?
>>Yes, this last formulation is exactly right.
>>># 4 - Section 3.3, as for "oneOf"
>>>"From this a reasoner could deduce the maximum cardinality (7)
>>>of any property that has daysOfTheWeek as its allValuesFrom
>>>I guess this sentence means...
>>>"From this a reasoner could deduce the maximum cardinality of
>>>any property that has daysOfTheWeek as its allValuesFrom
>>>restriction is 7"
>>>Do I get it right?
>>Again exactly right.
>>Thank you for your efforts in communicating our work to others,
>>Department of AI, Faculty of Sciences,  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
>>de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
>>tel (+31)-20-444 7731/7700 fax (+31)-84-221 4294
> Deborah L. McGuinness
> Knowledge Systems Laboratory
> Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241
> Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020
> email:
> URL:
> (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705


Received on Tuesday, 11 February 2003 09:21:45 UTC