Re: about W3C XML Schema Translations ?

Many thanks for working on such a translation.

At 15:05 01/07/24 +0900, XMLGO wrote:
>Our names are   Ho-Kyung Lee and Soon-won Song ,
>We are studying XML SCHEMA and are translating the XML SCHEMA SPEC to Korean.
>As we are almost finished translating the XML Schema Part 0: Primer, We 
>would like to request W3C for a permision for putting this info on our 
>website at <>http://www.xmlgo<>.net

I wasn't able to see this page in Korean, neither in IE nor in Netscape.
I usually have no problems viewing Korean pages.

>Our final draft can be viewed at
>s chema_spec_part0.<>htm

This page gave a 404 (not found).

>If there is anyone in Korea who already requested the permission for 
>Korean version of XML Schema Spec, would you be able to send us   the 
>details please?

Please check the mailing list using the form at

Regards,   Martin.

Received on Friday, 27 July 2001 22:56:32 UTC