Russian explanations

Hello dear Sirs!

Special greetings go to Martin Duerst:-)

I'm sorry to say I was tired of waiting for your permission to translate "XML in 10 points".
In fact the translation already existed when I sent the very first letter. That's why I was angry not to receive the answer for so long and I decided to publish this thing with your permission or without. Sorry again. I hope this is not a big problem, because you are good enough to let me have it on the end.

Well, I decided to keep the page for Russian translation in English and in Russian.
As you may know the addresses are the following:
HTTP://TheCroll.Narod.Ru/W3C/Consortium/Translation/russian.html for English version and
HTTP://TheCroll.Narod.Ru/W3C/Consortium/Translation/russian-ru.html for Russian one.

I think you have already realized that the structure under "W3C" is the same with your site. I copied the needed icons, stylesheets etc. without any link translation so everything should be identical. I hope this is not prohibited. And the same is used for translations I made and I'm gonna make.

I made the corrections in the above-mentioned docs and have uploaded them, so you can check if everything's correct.
But I need an explanation for the following:
>- Indicate the date of the original to which your translations
>   correspond, and say that the original may change (this is
>   necessary because the original documents don't have dated
>   URIs).

Where do you want me to put the date to which my translation correspond (XML in 10 points?)?
Where do I have to say that the original may change? I mean at the page with Russian translations listed or at every translation I'm gonna make?

>I found that this already exists at

Well, I have talked about this already

>but this gets served as text/plain, so that many browsers
>just show the page source. (please see e.g.
>At least it's text/plain;charset=windows-1251, so the
>Russian is readable in the source. But please change it
>to text/html;charset=windows-1252. Thank you.

Hmm, I put 'type="text/html"' to the anchor at the page where translations are listed. To tell you the truth I just don't understand what do you need the page source for... Anyway, tell me what to do.

>gives a 404 (which takes a long time because of all the
>other information on that page). This is okay because there
>is no requirement that an HTML page end in .html.

Yeah, there's no requirement. As I said it is the exact copy of W3C's document, but it Russian.

Time to go now.
Thank you for answering. And waiting for the instructions and further recommendations.
Best regards,
Alexander "Croll" Savenkov.

P.S. Will you please perephrase the following (for W3C in 7 points): W3C leads the Web to its full potential. There's NO Russian equivalent for that phrase. I'm working on this for 4 (four) days now! Please help.
Some of us must be sacrificed if all are to be saved...

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 14:07:24 UTC