(was: wrong reference in WCAG10 Spanish translations)

Hello Alicia, hello Carlos,

Many thanks for your translation of WCAG to Spanish. I have
just had a look at it based on the notice below from Rafael

There are a few easy but important changes that I request
to please make as soon as possible:

- Remove the two long icons at the top:
   <img SRC="W3c.gif" ALT="World Wide Web Consortium." height=48 width=307>
   <img SRC="wai.gif" ALT="Web Accessibility Iniciative." height=48 width=283>
   Only very specific pages on the W3C site itself are allowed to use these 

- If you want to use a W3C icon, please use the small icon:
   <A href="http://www.w3.org/" title="Go to W3C Home Page">
   <IMG height="48" width="72" alt="W3C" 
   Please put it at the same place as it was in the original.

- Please move the comments about the translation from the inside
   of the translation to before the horizontal rule, and if possible
   use a border and a different background color. Please also say that
   the normative version of the translation is the English original.

Please make these changes on all your translations.

Many thanks again,    Martin.

At 17:09 01/06/11 +0900, Rafael Romero wrote:
>Hi I am Rafael Romero, and I would like you to reflect the situation 
>regarding Spanish translations of WCAG10 correctly at 
>I did take active part in translation of PAGEAUTH-0414 (W3C Working Draft 
>14-Apr-1998) which is now at 
>However, this is an obsolete version. In fact, I point there to the new 
>translation of  WCAG10 (W3 Recommendation May 5 1999), made by Carlos Egea 
>and Alicia Sarabia, at http://www.geocities.com/carlos_egea/wcag10.html
>The '15 October 1999 Spanish 
>translation'  <http://www.accesosis.es/~carlosegea/PautasWAI.htm> that you 
>reference was also made mainly by Carlos Egea and Alicia Sarabia (not me). 
>However I think it is better to reference the last one from these 
>translators which is already online.
>In summary, I would suggest you do these two changes at 
>1. Eliminate the reference to 'Rafael Romero and Carlos Egea Garc$ByB(B. 
>(Added 19 June 1999)...' which is obsolete (and I am not one of the main 
>2. Include a new reference saying:
>Carlos Egea Garc$ByB(B <mailto:Carlos.Egea@carm.es> and Alicia Sarabia S$BaO(Bchez 
><mailto:AliciaM.Sarabia@carm.es> WCAG10 Recommendation may 5 1999. 
>Best regards, Rafael Romero.

Received on Monday, 11 June 2001 23:25:15 UTC