Asking for permission

Hello Dave,

as said by Martin Duerst in the message below, I need a specific permission
from you. I have translated into Italian your three introduction files to
HTML and CSS (starting at,
thinking they could be very useful for beginners. I had not read carefully
W3C's FAQ about copyright and intellectual property, so I already published
my translations of your documents at My question
is: am I to remove these translations or can I have your explicit

Thank you in advance and excuse me for my "handmade" English.

M i c h e l e   D i o d a t i
Via Pian due Torri 86 - 00146 Roma
tel. 06 5503533 - fax 06 233212132
cell. 0335 7519591

 > -----Messaggio originale-----
 > Da:
 > []Per conto di Martin Duerst
 > Inviato: giovedi 19 aprile 2001 3.34
 > A:
 > Cc:; Masayasu Ishikawa
 > Oggetto: Re: Italian translation of introductions to HTML and CSS
 > Hello Michele,
 > As said before on this list, you need an explicit permission
 > to translate files that are not W3C Technical Reports
 > (listed on If we already gave you
 > such a permission, please include it in your anouncement.
 > If you didn't get a permission yet, please request one
 > as soon as possible.
 > Regards,    Martin.

Received on Friday, 20 April 2001 11:33:29 UTC