Pasquale Russo/italian/WAI

Forwarded because it got cought in the spam filter.

Many thanks for all your help. Please do not send
the translations themselves to the mailing list.

Please make sure to say that the normative version is
the English version, and that this translation may
contain errors, at the beginnig of the document,
clearly separated from the contents itself

Many thanks and kind regards,   Martin.

> Dear W3C,
> I am translate in italian the Web Accessibility Iniziative Guidelines
> 1.0.
> The translation finds to the address /. I am
> the President of the National Association of the
> Webmasters, I am consultant of Italian Government for Information
> Society, and I have write the draft for accessibility of the public
> administration
> sites,
> The web site of my association is / in
> construction.
> I have attached the file of translation and my curriculum
> cvitae.rtf
> Thank for your efforts
> Best
> --
> Pasquale Russo
> ---------------
> per messaggi urgenti inviare la e-mail a:
> inserendo nel subject la parola 'urgente'

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Sunday, 3 October 1999 22:53:44 UTC