Re: those predeclared entity refs

> At 6:37 PM 3/13/97, wrote:
> >Perhaps we also need apostrophe and grave accent.  Note that there
> >is no single quote in ASCII, as ' is an apostrophe and ` is a grave
> >accent.  The typewriter doube quote (") makes the fifth, right?
> >
> >amp     ampersand                 &
> >lt      left angle bracket        <
> >quot    grave accent              `
> >apos    apostrophe                '
> >dquot   typewriter double quote   "
> >
> >That makeds five; do we also need
> >gt      right angle brcket        >
> >or
> >ket     right bracket             ]

I have a nasty feeling that physicists use 'bra' for '<' and 'ket' for '>'
and I suspect this could cause serious confusion in at least part of
the community.



Peter Murray-Rust, domestic net connection
Virtual School of Molecular Sciences

Received on Friday, 14 March 1997 18:46:53 UTC