Re: ERB decision: colon as name character

Liam Quin wrote:
> Paul Prescod wrote:
> > We could also bite the bullet and reserve "::" and let
> > 'namechar:namechar' be used (for experimentation or whatever). That
> > would have the benefit of not breaking the experiments when the final
> > solution is rolled out.
> Er, that seems to be presupposing that a final solution will use ::
> rather than just : by itself....  

No, it is presupposing that we may need to use :: for something special
in the future. It needent say what and it needent ever be used.

> If we know that already, there is no need to experiment with the syntax!  

That doesn't follow. The current spec reserves the colon character to
allow people to experiment with the semantics, not the syntax. Mine does
the same, but allows people to use the single colon to experiment with
*anything* not just namespaces, and also allows us to use the double
colon for anything in the future, not just namespaces. It also stops our
final standard from breaking experiments (in whatever) that occur in the

> I think that the draft wording Michael posted is just fine.
> Perhaps there's scope for a Rationale of XML book ("The Spirit of XML"??),
> in which this could be further elaborated upon...

This seems like the appropriate place for that kind of rationale about
the future of the standard.

 Paul Prescod

Received on Monday, 30 June 1997 20:23:25 UTC