USES Notations (was part of Update on namespaces)

At 03:51 12/6/97 +1000, Rick Jelliffe wrote:
><!DOCTYPE x SYSTEM "x.dtd"
>	SEEALSO 	PUBLIC "IDN// xml-lang//EN" 
>			PUBLIC "IDN// xml-link//EN" 
>			PUBLIC "IDN// xml-style//EN"
>			PUBLIC "IDN// CALS table model//EN"  []>
>Thus, the DOCTYPE declaration can become more like a full  DTD.  In the TC,
>(additional requirements) parameter is part of the SGML declaration. I
think this is wrong, 
>and it would be more correct to put it in the DOCTYPE declaration, as in
the example above.

I must agree it makes much more sense there.
Martin Bryan, The SGML Centre, Churchdown, Glos. GL3 2PU, UK 
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Received on Wednesday, 11 June 1997 15:57:02 UTC