Re: 2.1 a-d: Link Recognition by Reserved Attribute?

Jon Bosak wrote:
> [Murray Altheim:]
> | The two methods described perorm the same function, but are used for
> | different purposes. The first example allows a designer to create an
> | new SGML application. The second allows legacy applications like
> | DocBook or HTML to be retrofitted with architectural form attributes
> | to be used within an XML processing system.
> Now I'm hearing arguments in favor of using the attribute method.  I'm
> not hearing anything about why we need both methods.  Either the
> attribute method works or it doesn't; if it does, why do we need both?

you don't need both.  attributes work fine.  you will get both 
because common practice is to use the GI.  It if inflexible 
unless one starts . appending in the GI.

has anyone considered what happens when several arch forms 
must be applied to the same element type?  For example, 
a community wants to use the XML type for a link, but 
specialize it further with arch forms only a set 
particular to a community shares?


Received on Thursday, 13 February 1997 20:24:12 UTC