Re: 1.5: Discuss link characteristics?

Steven J. DeRose wrote:
> I find that tempting, but a bit too strong. There are at least a few cases
> where the destination depends on other factors, such as implicit links,
> links that depend on user configuration or environment data, etc. Take a
> look at any IETM, or any expert-system-assisted maintenance manual, or
> anything that supports stretchtext.

Right.  Depends on the application.   The problem of XML link 
(and every dammed hypertext standard anyone has tried to 
create to date) is that we can't put a hotspot/clink/meatball 
(you choose) in running text, expect it to act as a control, 
look like a bold font, and pretend to be "just another declaration".

What I see emerging is that no matter how long you try, 
there is some overlap in these sets.  It is the ecotone 
that is interesting in any ecology.  In the words of Dick Clark, 
"that's where the action is".

Action="gosub" is "pernicious" but action="submit" is somehow Ok?

Picking victims again aren't we?  One can declare a process, or process 
a declaration.  SGML doesn't care.  XML shouldn't either. 


Received on Wednesday, 12 February 1997 10:10:16 UTC