- From: Jon Bosak <bosak@atlantic-83.Eng.Sun.COM>
- Date: Sat, 9 Nov 1996 15:17:52 -0800
- To: w3c-sgml-wg@w3.org
[In my first attempt at this posting, I omitted the list of entities at the end. -- Jon] This is one of a series of reports on recent decisions of the SGML ERB. Due to some confusion on the part of the Chair, this question got resolved in several pieces, which for purposes of simplicity are somewhat condensed in the following report. (a) XML will declare a number of entities automatically. Decision: Yes. Dissenting: Bray. (b) Users will be able to override the predefined entities. Decision: No. Dissenting: Sperberg-McQueen. (Thus, processors shall behave as though declarations for the predefined entities are encountered at the end of the external DTD subset.) (c) In addition to "lt", "amp", and "gt" (decided in a previous vote), the predefined entities shall include "quot" (for hex 22 -- same as in HTML) and "squot" (for hex 27 -- undefined in HTML). Decision: Yes. (d) The predefined entities shall include all those entities specified in the HTML 3.2 specification (the Latin 1 entities plus "copy", "reg", and "nbsp"). Decision: Yes. Dissenting: Bray, Clark. (e) The predefined entities shall include all the entities recently approved by the HTML ERB for inclusion in the "Cougar" DTD. This means, basically, all of the HTML 3.2 entities plus all of the ISO entities for which characters exist in the Adobe Symbol font set, which is supported across Windows, X11, and Macintosh platforms. Decision: Yes. Dissenting: Bray, Clark. Abstaining: Maler. Thus, the list of ISO entities predefined in XML is as follows (list courtesy of Bob Stayton, SCO): ISO Latin 1 ============== quot amp lt gt nbsp iexcl cent pound curren yen brvbar sect die copy ordf laquo not shy reg macron degree plusmn sup2 sup3 acute micro para middot Cedilla sup1 ordm raquo frac14 frac12 frac34 iquest Agrave Aacute Acirc Atilde Auml Aring AElig Ccedil Egrave Eacute Ecirc Euml Igrave Iacute Icirc Iuml ETH Ntilde Ograve Oacute Ocirc Otilde Ouml times Oslash Ugrave Uacute Ucirc Uuml Yacute THORN szlig agrave aacute acirc atilde auml aring aelig ccedil egrave eacute ecirc euml igrave iacute icirc iuml eth ntilde ograve oacute ocirc otilde ouml divide oslash ugrave uacute ucirc uuml yacute thorn yuml Adobe Symbol Font =================== forall exist ni lowast minus cong Agr Bgr KHgr Delta Egr PHgr Gamma EEgr Igr thetav Kgr Lambda Mgr Ngr Ogr Pi Theta Rgr Sigma Tgr Upsi sfgr Omega Xi Psi Zgr there4 perp alpha beta chi delta epsi phis gamma eta iota phiv kappa lambda mu nu ogr pi thetas rho sigma tau upsi piv omega xi psi zeta sim vprime le infin fnof clubs diams hearts spades harr larr uarr rarr darr Prime ge prop part bull ne equiv ap hellip aleph image real weierp otimes oplus empty cap cup sup supe nsub sub sube isin notin ang nabla trade prod radic sdot and or hArr lArr uArr rArr dArr loz lang sum rang int
Received on Saturday, 9 November 1996 18:19:52 UTC