weekly call for telecon agenda items

This is the usual weekly call for agenda items for the telecon. 
Suggestions needed by noon uk time Thursday please.

possible topics:

browsing http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-rdfcore-wg/2003Sep/

 - spec publication status

- heads up re TAG rdfURIMeaning-39 and public-sw-meaning
   interested parties invited to join public-sw-meaning. Do we have
   anything further to say as a WG?

- % in URIs?

- xmlsch-02 whitespace 
 "I think this means that we should be regarding Dave's comment as
 currently  unaddressed, since there has been no formal resolution to decline the
 comment." --jjc
- subclass on datatypes



Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 14:38:34 UTC