New Charmod 2003-08-22

Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0
W3C Working Draft 22 August 2003

First one since April 2002.  Interesting wording:

  [[This is a W3C Working Draft published between the second Last
  Call on 30 April 2002 and a planned Candidate Recommendation. This
  interim publication is used to document the progress made on
  addressing the comments received during the second Last Call, as
  well as other modifications resulting from continuing collaboration
  with other working groups. A list of last call comments with their
  status can be found in the disposition of comments (public version,
  Members only version).

  Work is still ongoing on addressing the comments received during
  the second Last Call. We do not encourage comments on this Working
  Draft; instead we ask reviewers to wait for being informed about
  our disposition of their comments, or for Canditate Recommendation
  in case of new comments. ...  ]]

maybe we could have something similar?

The changes aren't entirely clear since they are in a member only web
page that could be updated at any time compared to the above.


Received on Monday, 1 September 2003 14:55:50 UTC