Re: non english labels/comments for rdf.rdf and rdfs.rdf

At 12:26 31/10/03 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:
>My goal here is to ensure that we have an appropriate document at the end 
>of the RDF namespace URI when we go to PR.
>Graham Klyne wrote:

(Actually, Patrick wrote this...  I just agreed)

>>>Would it not make more sense to have distinct schemas for
>>>each languages labels. I.e.
>I don't think so.  How would an application find them?

How would an application find *any* new information that appears after the 
original schema document is published?  How does one draw the line between 
what languages are included and what are not.  These are problems that the 
sweb will have to address in any case, probably in numerous ways.

Actually, where Patrick wrote "different schemas", I don't think the 
language-neutral schema information should be duplicated -- I read the 
comment as suggesting that the separate files have just the alternative 
language annotations, and could be read in addition to the primary schema 
file.  I would imagine that the various language document would link back 
to the original schema in some way (<> rdfs:augments <SchemaURI>?) so that 
semantic web crawlers would be able to build appropriate indexes.

(I don't feel strongly either way about the original suggestion, unless 
this is likely to delay publication while we wait for the appropriate 
language text to be available.)


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Friday, 31 October 2003 07:52:59 UTC