Re: LC2 semantics proof appendix

>Adding these URIs to IP ...
>is harmless for the other (elementary) Herbrand 
>results, so I have restored this condition. 

I do not believe that this is harmless for the Herbrand lemma,
in particular the only if side:
If I satisfies G then H(G) << I

In order to prove this only if statement, some mapping 
  A : blank(G) -> IRI
is chosen such that I+A satisfies G.
Then, k : IRH u IPH -> IRI u IPI is defined to be the
restriction of I+A to IRH u IPH.
For a URI v such that 
  v type Property 
is in G but with v not being the property of a triple in G,
the proof that k(v) is in IPI seems to need the first condition
on RDF interpretations.
However, I is an arbitrary simple interpretation.


Received on Friday, 10 October 2003 07:37:18 UTC