- From: pat hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>
- Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 13:45:46 -0500
- To: Dave Beckett <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>
- Cc: w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <p06001f62bba0c1235f9e@[]>
Looking at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/TR/WD-rdf-testcases-20030117/ dated 5 September 2003. some editorial comments I only just noticed: "come out false" --?--> "be false in any interpretation" or maybe "always be false" RDF-Entailment --> RDF-entailment section 2 datatype-aware entailment tests, why is 'supported' inside quotes in last bullet but not elsewhere? Also second bullet ends "finally," but there are two more. ---------- My action item <> 20030919#14 PatH To consider amendments to test cases concerning nonentailments was to suggest a form of words for describing what it means to pass a negative entailment test, right? Suggestion: "The test is considered to be passed if the entailment is <em>not</em> drawn using the rules of RDF-entailment or RDFS-entailment, as above." --> "The test is <em>failed</em> if the conclusion can be drawn from the premises using the rules of RDF- or RDFS-entailment. The test is considered to be <em>passed</em> when a thorough attempt to fail the test is unable to achieve failure." This sounds vague, but then success at a non-entailment test *is* vague, so the wording is designed to suggest to a thoughtful reader that the notion needs some care. Pat -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- IHMC (850)434 8903 or (650)494 3973 home 40 South Alcaniz St. (850)202 4416 office Pensacola (850)202 4440 fax FL 32501 (850)291 0667 cell phayes@ihmc.us http://www.ihmc.us/users/phayes
Received on Wednesday, 1 October 2003 14:45:49 UTC