redundant rdf:List triples

Jim, Guus,

RDFCore has an issue

raised by TimBL

Basically this issue is that when we have a parseType="Collection" each the 
b-nodes that forms the backbone of the list has an (?bnode, rdf:type, 
rdf:List) triple.  Tim's complaint is that these triples are unnecessary 
and would like them removed.

I believe that RDFCore are sympathetic to removing them, but are aware that 
Owl currently relies on them.  The semantics editor has stated that he is 
opposed to our removing them.

We also believe it would be technically possible for Owl not to depend on 
them, but this would require a change in the webont specs.

Dan Connolly currently has an action to determine what it would cost to 
remove Owl's dependence on the presence of these triples.  I am under some 
pressure from our syntax editor, for whom this is the last remaining issue, 
to get it resolved.

I believe that a decision from WEBONT either that they are willing to make 
the necessary change that  would allow us to remove these triples, or that 
they are not would swing the RDFCore decision and enable us to proceed.

Would it be possible for WEBONT to consider whether they might remove their 
dependency on these triples?  RDFCore would very much like to make a 
decision at this Friday's telecon.  Would it be possible to provide 
guidance to RDFCore in that timeframe?


ps: rdfcore discussion can be found on the threads starting at

Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 12:04:48 UTC