- From: Jeremy Carroll <jjc@hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 10:58:40 +0100
- To: w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org
Summary: accept in full. Propose to make the following changes to the documents: Syntax: ======= In section 7.2.17 http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030123/#parseTypeLiteralPr opertyElt Old text: [[ This specification allows some freedom to choose exactly what string is used as the lexical form of an XML Literal. Whatever string is used, it MUST correspond to an XML document when enclosed within a start and end element tag, and its canonicalization (without comments, as defined in Exclusive XML Canonicalization [XML-XC14N]) MUST be the same as the same canonicalization of the literal text l. It is often acceptable to use l without any changes but this is incorrect if, for example, l uses entity references or namespace prefixes defined in the outer XML document. ]] New text: [[ The string used as the lexical form of the XML Literal is the Exclusive XML Canonicalization [XML-XC14N]) with comments and with empty <a href=" http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/#def-InclusiveNamespaces -PrefixList "> InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList </a> of the literal text l, i.e. the entire element content of this property element. ]] In section 7.2.34 http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030123/#literal add final paragraph [[ The string-value for the resulting event is discussed in <link>section 7.2.17</link>. ]] In section 6 http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-rdf-syntax-grammar-20030123/#section-Data-Model replace: [[This specification does not require that N-Triples be used to represent an RDF Graph.]] by [[ This specification permits any <a href="rdf-concepts#implementation-note">representation</a> of an RDF Graph (see [RDF Concepts]); in particular, it does not require the use of N-Triples. ]] Concepts ======== In current section 5 (to become 4) old text: [[ The value space is the set of all XML documents that: + Have root element tag: <rdf-wrapper> + Have no attributes on the root element other than xml:lang + are Canonical XML [XML-C14N] (with comments). ]] new text [[ The value space is the set of all XML documents that: + Have the fixed but arbitrary root element: <rdf-wrapper> + Have no attributes on the root element other than xml:lang + are <a href=" http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/#def-exclusive-canonical -XML "> exclusive Canonical XML </a> [XC14N] (with comments, with empty <a href=" http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/#def-InclusiveNamespaces -PrefixList "> InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList </a>). ]] old text: [[ The lexical space contains all pairs ( string, lang ) where lang is any language identifier [RFC-3066] in lowercase, and string is well-balanced, self-contained XML element content [XML], for which the XML document corresponding to the pair is a well-formed XML document [XML] that also conforms to XML Namespaces [XML-NS]. also contains all strings string which are well-balanced, self-contained XML element content [XML], and for which the corresponding XML document is a well-formed XML document [XML] that also conforms to XML Namespaces [XML-NS]. ]] new text: [[ The lexical space is the union of the set of all pairs ( string, lang ) and the set of all strings string, for which: + lang is any language identifier [RFC-3066] normalized to lowercase; + string is well-balanced, self-contained XML element content [XML]; + string is <a href=" http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/#def-exclusive-canonical -XML "> exclusive Canonical XML </a> (with comments, with empty <a href=" http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/REC-xml-exc-c14n-20020718/#def-InclusiveNamespaces -PrefixList "> InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList </a>); + the XML document corresponding to the pair or the string is a well-formed XML document [XML] that also conforms to XML Namespaces [XML-NS]. ]] old text: [[ The mapping is defined as the function that maps a pair or string to the canonical form [XML-C14N] (with comments) of the corresponding XML document. ]] new text: [[ The mapping is defined as the function that maps a pair or string to the corresponding XML document. ]] + add implementation note at end of abstract syntax section (old 6, new 5) [[ <a name="implementation-note"> </a> IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: This section describes an *abstract* syntax which describes equality of literals and equivalence of graphs. This is the syntax over which the formal semantics are defined. Implementations are free to represent literals and RDF graphs in any other equivalent form. As an example: literals with datatype <tt>rdf:XMLLiteral</tt>s can be represented in a non-canonical format, and canonicalization performed during the comparison between two such literals. In both this example, and in the example <a href="#lang-implementation-note">above</a> the comparisons may be being performed either between syntactic structures or between their denotations in the domain of discourse. Implementations that do not require such comparisons can hence be optimized. ]] (The lang-implementation-note is in a subsequent e-mail subject tex-01). Semantics ======== + follow concepts as appropriate (Note: there is still rdf:XMLLiteral as a special case because even though the mapping is simplified, it is still there, and it still requires the lang tag as an argument). ACTION jjc To help pat to do this.
Received on Thursday, 27 March 2003 04:59:21 UTC