RDF/XML Syntax WD updated

I've now worked throught the last call issue resolutions, the comments after last call
and the other things on my personal todo list and produced a new editor's draft:

Detailed changes:

I do have a few more doc-production things to fix such as spellings,
some HTML etc. but that is pretty much it for now.

I shan't be around for this week's Friday telcon and probably several
after that although I will be online.   So to move this on, I need some
volunteers to review the changes.  You can navigate to CVS differences
from the last version starting at
and then to
(last WD was CVS 1.463, this is now 1.495)
but maybe a HTML word-diff might help, if I knew how to make one.


Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2003 14:39:49 UTC