Re: regrets this friday 1st August

Jeremy wrote:
> Also I give the HP proxy to Brian just in case there is a CR/PR vote.
> My current preference is PR, but I am clearly not sufficiently in touch
> an "HP" position, given Dave Reynolds implementation report which seemed
> me at least to be more negative,
> i.e. so far
> we have no complete RDFS implementation (in terms of inference)
> This may be reason to go for a CR, possibly labelling those bits that are
> yet implemented as at risk.
> e.g. two of our RDFS implementors do not appear to buy into an infinity
> axiomatic triples ...

Well (I do), I have some (additional builtin) code like

  if (goal.verb == RDFtype &&
      goal.obj.deref().verb == RDFSContainerMembershipProperty &&
      goal.subj.deref().verb.startsWith(RDF + "#_")
  // that goal succeeds

to overcome issues with infinity
(math: properties are similar for instance).

> e.g. maybe we made the wrong call on the xmlsch-02 ...

Maybe yes; I see that .NET platforms (MS, Mono, ...)
have similar behaviour as xerces (which we also use)
so maybe we should make all 4 of them positive, hm..

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 28 July 2003 09:11:47 UTC