Re: problems with RDF datatyping

At 12:27 PM 1/21/03 -0700, pat hayes wrote:
>>Then what good is RDF datatyping?
>It presumes some extrnal scheme for locating datatypes (datatyping 
>inforamation, if you like) by usiung urirefs.  It does not provide a means 
>to create such information or to attach it to a uriref; that is the 
>business of the definer of the datatypes in question. RDF can use it, 
>however, once it is defined.

Maybe of interest... as a result of some recent work I did to try and 
describe access control transformations in RDF [1], I'm looking into using 
Haskell [2] as an inference layer for RDF.  I just spent a happy plane 
journey trying to understand how to do lexical->value transforms in a 
purely functional environment using higher order functions.  Being a *pure* 
functional programming environment, Haskell has some nice program 
provability properties which I think would lend well to this area of 
formally defining datatypes.


(I think the URI is correct, but can't be sure as I've no Internet right now)


Graham Klyne

Received on Monday, 27 January 2003 09:28:19 UTC