LC Syntax WD changes (was Re: Syntax: positive review)

I'm replying to this mail (again) in order to note:
   what I'm doing now for LC WD (critical fixes, minor stuff) - "Done"
   versus after LC - "Later"
   or not doing - only one of these, it was a spelling.

As I already replied, the "Later"s are mostly likely to be accepted
after some further consideration and possible some more rewording,
after last call.

I'll be uploading the changes to the LC WD area later.


>>>Jeremy Carroll said:
> One substantive change proposed.
> 8 critical changes
> 17 near-critical
> Attn:
> =====
> Brian
> =====
>  - see comment on parseTypeOther 7.2.20 - my recollection is that the WG was
> unsupportive of this production but left it in, my suggested correction
> reflects this - I am not sure where we got to really.

I don't recall this.

> Pat
> ===
>  - Dave uses the word "interpreted" a few times. I think its fine but you
> may differ.
> Syntax review
> =============
> Summary
> =======
> OK for Last Call, subject to one substantive critical change,
> and further critical changes.
> Discussion
> ==========
> I was much more positive about section 2 this time.
> I am not sure if it was the changes that have been made
> since I last reviewed it, or whether I was simply in
> a better mood. It was fairly clear and correct.
> I believe it adds to the document.

> Substantive change
> ==================
> Add the following text to ?section 5.1?
> [[
>  Within RDF/XML documents it is not permitted to use XML
>  namespaces whose namespace URI is either:
>  + the RDF Namespace URI reference concatenated with additional characters.
>  or
>  + the XML Namespace URI reference concatenated with additional characters.
> ]]
> (The current text permits:
>   <DF xmlns="">
>     <andom rdfa:bout="eg:a"
>      xmlns:rdfa="" />
>   </DF>
> as the RDF graph of one triple:
> <eg:a> rdf:type rdf:Random .
> I think the suggested text is a better backwardly incompatible
> clarification of M&S than the current text.
> )


> Further comments
> ================
> Each is marked
>   *C* critical
>       MUST be considered/changed for last call.
>       Typically these are minor incorrect statements.
>   *N* near-critical
>       SHOULD be considered/changed for last call.
>       (I realise the series editor has a preference for
>       minimising change at this point).
>       Typically these are misleading or incomplete statements.
>   *S* spelling/type
>       will need correcting sometime, this are sufficiently
>       trivial that I see no reason not to do them now.
>   *E* editorial
>       suggestions for improvement
>       I have put less work into these.
> I proceed in document order.
> *E*  Do we want the recommendation to continue to refer to
>      the issues list?
> *E*  Repetition of rdf:nodeID and rdf:parseType="Collection"
>      could be avoided.
> 1.
> *E* first para, last sentence
>       Does not read easily, could be deleted.
> *E* second para
>       repeats SOTD, charter and WG not relevant to rec,
>       suggest delete.


> 2.1
> *C* first para:
>     [[ Nodes are RDF URI References, RDF Literals or are Blank Nodes and for
> encoding in syntaxes may be given a document-local, non-RDF URI References
> identifier called a Blank Node Identifier
>     ]]
>     Nodes not Blank Nodes is the subject of the relative clause.
>     Suggest split into two sentences:
>     [[ Nodes are RDF URI References, RDF Literals or are Blank Nodes.
>       Blank Nodes may be given a document-local, non-RDF URI References
> identifier called a Blank Node Identifier
>     ]]


> *C* second para
>     XML NS maps Qnames to URI refs not RDF URI refs
>     suggested text: (2 deletions of "RDF" and losing hyperlinks).
>     [[
> RDF/XML uses XML QNames to represent RDF URI References. The namespace
> prefix part of all QNames is associated with a URI Reference as defined in
> XML Namespaces [XML-NS]. The RDF URI Reference represented by a QName is
> determined by appending the local name part of the QName to the URI
> Reference associated with the namespace prefix part of the QName
>     ]]


> 2.2 Example 3
> *C* Add:
>     [[
>     (this example fails to show that the blank node is
>      shared between the two paths)
>     ]]


> *N* In above, add [[see 2.10]]


> 2.3 Example 4
> (related to *C* iin Ex 3)
> *N* (this example does show that there is a single blank node)


> 2.6
> *C* First para: [[requires]]=>[[permits]]


> *E* Second para (3 changes insert [[correct]]
>     [[3]]=>[[4]] [[the complete]]=> [[a complete]]
>     i.e.
>     [[    This could be done for any of the correct complete graph
> examples from Example 4 onwards but taking the smallest Example 6 and adding
> the final components, gives a complete RDF/XML representation]]


> 2.7
> *E* First para last sentence misleading. Suggest
>     [[The xml:lang="" form indicates the absence of a language identifier.]]


> 2.10
> *E* Suggest add reference to Example 3.
> *E* Suggest base Example 11 on Example 3.


> 2.11
> *N* At end of first para add:
>     [[Property attributes and rdf:nodeID attribute
>       are not permitted on such property elements.]]


> 2.12
> *N* Delete word [[Blank]] in section heading
> *N* Delete word [[blank]] in first sentence


> *N* Add sentence at end of first para
>     [[If the node is a RDF URI reference this is shown
>     using an rdf:resource attribute (see 2.4).
>     If the node is blank then an optional rdf:nodeID
>     (see section 2.?? ) may be used.
>     ]]


> 2.13 Example 14
> *S*? marvelous (twice) I think its "marvellous"
>      maybe not google votes 89600 to 42000 for your
>      spelling.

It seems so.  Not changing.

> 2.14
> *N* Second para
>     [[    This provides an additional check since the same name can only
> appear once in the scope of an xml:base value (or document, if none is
> given), so
>     ]]
>     I could misread as permitting
>  <t>
>   <a xml:base="eg:a" rdf:ID="b" />
>   <a xml:base="eg:a" rdf:ID="b" />
>  </t>
>    but not allowing
>  <t  xml:base="eg:a" >
>   <a rdf:ID="b" />
>   <a rdf:ID="b" />
>  </t>
>   I prefered your later text on the same topic. How about
>   [[
>   Each (rdf:ID attribute value, base URI) pair has to be unique in an
> RDF/XML document and so this provides an additional check]]


> 2.16
> *E* First para
>     suggest [[about]]=>[[connecting]]


> 2.17
> *E* Second sentence was difficult.
> [[
>    The identifier for the triple is a RDF URI reference
>    formed from by: concatenating # with the rdf:ID attribute
>    value, considered as a relative URI reference and
>    resolved against the in-scope base URI.
> ]]
>   perhaps that's not much better.

> *N* Before [[See constraint-id]] suggest replace
>     [[as the rdf:bagID attribute]]
>     [[as the rdf:bagID attribute and of values
>      of the rdf:ID attribute used in section 2.14]]
>    (perhaps needs more wordsmithing).


> *S* straight after Ex 20 "for a rdf:bagID" => "for an rdf:bagID"


> *E* "that lists the statements" => "that lists the reifications of the
> statements"


> 5.1
>   See first issue listed

Already noted done

> 5.2
> *S* First sentence "arcs" => "arc"


> *C* 2nd para [[resolved to]] => [[resolved with]]

> 6
> *S* 3rd para [[may may]]=>[[may]]

I don't see this problem in that para.  I couldn't find it elsewhere either.

> Considering para "Information items ... XML Literals.."
> *N* delete [[and]]
>     => [[...XML Literals do not follow ...]]
> or
> *E*
>     rephrase by moving this para up to be part of list Document Information
> Item , Element Info Item, Attr Info Item, Char Info Item. This would need
> more work and is probably inappropriate for this round now.


> 6.1.2
> *C* under attributes
> The xml:lang stuff as written does not conform with XML, bother.
> The correction above probably fixes it.
> The problem is that you allow binding a different prefix to the XML
> namespace or worse something like:
> <a xlan:g xmlns:xlan="">
> In XML (which does not know about namespaces) xml:lang is an 8 character
> string, not a QName. I think your text is fine, but needs my first
> correction above.
> A much more substantial correction, which corresponds to the behaviour of
> ARP, is to keep the QName as a <URIref, localname> pair until later in the
> processing than the model in the document. This could have been done but is
> not appropriate now, particularly given that the innocuous additional
> paragraph suggested fixes the problems.

Fixed by the 5.1 change I think.  Look at later too.

> 6.1.4
> *N* Last two paragraphs
>     Should not be NOTEs since they have normative content.


> *N* Last Call should not refer to next version of this WD


> *N* Suggest
>     Replace last paragraph by:
> [[
>     Within a single element of an RDF/XML document,
>     it is not permitted to use  an unqualified attribute
>     and a qualified attribute with the same
>     local name and namespace name being the
>     RDF Namespace URI reference.
> ]]

> 6.1.6, 6.1.7
> *N* Suggest adding a note like that in 6.1.8
>   [[Note that the value of the identifier may need processing to meet the
> syntactic constraints of N-triples]]


> 6.1.8, 6.18
> *C* There are two sections 6.1.8

> *N* Suggest delete note about combining chars. This is stated in Concepts,
> and the issue is suffficiently minor that that IMO suffices.
> *N* also in the other section 6.1.8 same comment


> 6.3
> *E*  In table for anyURI suggest delete [[legal]] superfluous.


> 7.2.1
> *C*  Last phrase:
>     delete
>     [[but no state is expected to be preserved]]
>     it is not true since some things are scoped by the document


> 7.2.2
> *S* [[are are]] ==> [[are]]


> 7.2.6
> *S* [[URIS]]=>[[URIs]]


> 7.2.18
> *S*  [[If the element content c is not an empty, then]]
>      delete [[an]]


> *E*  Delete all of quoted phrase - it works in the empty case too.


> 7.2.20
> *N* Add para at end of section
> [[
> New documents SHOULD NOT use this production.
> Applications MAY choose to warn when this production is seen in a document.
> ]]


> 7.2.21
> *N* Reorder the three first levelbullets under the text:
>     "The following are done in any order:"
>     First
>     + For all propertyAttr attributes ...
>     Seoncd
>     + Add the following statement ..
>     Third
>     + If event n ...
>     This clears any possible misreading of "for each statement above" since
> the only statements in the same section above are the ones intended.
>     It has no other impact since the bullets are explicitly unordered.


> 8.
> *E* Delete last phrase [[ that now allows ... serialized]]
>     (It is slightly misleading, if quote out of context)



Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 10:02:51 UTC