Re: language tags in typed RDF literals

At 02:23 PM 2/21/03 -0600, pat hayes wrote:

>>[just to make sure w.r.t. rdf comments]
>>We currently have (in our test code) that
>>   <test#x> <test#y> "10"@en^^xsd:int.
>>rdfs xsd entails
>>   <test#x> <test#y> "10"@fr^^xsd:int.
>>(i.e. ignoring the lang tag)
>How about
><test#x> <test#y> "10"@en^^xsd:int .
><test#x> <test#y> "10"^^xsd:int .
>and vice versa?

I think this would be less surprising to users of RDF/XML;  e.g.

<rdf:RDF xmlns ...
    <rdf:Description about="ex:itemForSale">
        <ex:itemDescription>A fine widget</ex:itemDescription>
        <ex:itemPriceInCents rdf:datatype="xsd:int">12345</ex:itemPriceInCents>

In this interpretation of language tags that Pat suggests, the presence of 
an outer language tag would not upset the inner datatyped interpretation.


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2003 12:19:41 UTC