Re: Quick -comments summary upto and including 2003-02-13

At 01:50 PM 2/14/03 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:
>>PFPS: what's an RDF namespace?
>>         Patrick Stickler agrees; Pete Johnston agrees; no disposition.
>These are comments on concepts and syntax.  Graham?  Dave?

I'd overlooked that particular message.  Noted.

>>PFPS social meaning and RDF:
>>         Seth's comments are LCcomments until we know otherwise - bwm.
>Typo in the URL - should be an "l" at the end, but apart from that, is 
>this the right link?  I don't see that message from me in the archive.

0191 is about "the meaning of RDF tokens":

The URL for PFPS' social meaning comments is:


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 06:36:59 UTC