Re: LC document issue [was Re: review of primer - thumbs up]

At 09:22 06/02/2003 -0500, Frank Manola wrote:
>In your review of the Primer LCC, you'd noted something about the subject 
>of a statement that need to be fixed "after last call" (copied 
>below).  Now that we're in the last call period, I want to make sure this 
>doesn't get lost, particularly since it seems to involve a question of 
>consistency among Primer, Schema, and Concepts.  Does this need an issue?

My take is that it doesn't need WG review - its editorial, so I would be 
happy with a change id token from primer.  However, if you feel it should 
be referred to the WG, I will create an issue on your request.


Received on Thursday, 6 February 2003 09:32:17 UTC