response to pfps-03

The translation into Lbase is pointless.  There is no notion given in
the document that can be used to determine whether it is correct or
not.  For example, I expected to see a claim stating that
     G1 x-entails G2
     TR(G1) plus the axioms for x entails TR(G2) in Lbase
without such a claim there is no notion of success for the
translation, and thus it is pointless.


This comment expresses an opinion which I do not share. The stated 
purpose of the Lbase translation is to provide an alternative summary 
of the semantics which may be useful. The text asserts that it is 
believed to be equivalent but should not be taken as normative. The 
Lbase document states the intended relationship formally.  I do not 
feel that any further comment is necessary.

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Received on Monday, 3 February 2003 17:53:37 UTC