Re: [Fwd: TAG Arch Doc LC review request]

I could sign up for this... I plan anyway to review this doc again, when 
it's stable.


At 20:02 05/12/03 +0000, Brian McBride wrote:

>Hi Folks,
>I would very much like to say yes to this.  Can I have volunteers to draft 
>review comments on behalf of rdfcore please.
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: TAG Arch Doc LC review request
>Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 15:32:17 -0000
>From: Williams, Stuart <>
>To: McBride, Brian <>, Dan Brickley <>
>CC: '' <>
>Brian, Dan,
>The TAG is working toward publishing a Last Call working draft of
>"Architecture of the World Wide Web" [1], editors copy at [2]. I'd like
>to solict a commitment from the RDF Core WG to review our LC draft once
>published. We expect to announce a 3 month LC which we anticipate ending
>around the time of the Tech Plenary in Cannes (or later if we fail to
>meet our publication goals). Please could you let me know whether RDF
>Core would be able to undertake a review within such a 3 month window.
>Best regards
>Stuart Williams
>Tel: +44 117 3128285
>[1] [latest WD]
>[2] [Editors copy - a living

Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2003 08:45:51 UTC