Re: editorial tweak to Semantics

Argh!  I hope the Primer isn't misleading on this question, because I 
don't think your last sentence is accurate.  What I try to say is that 
rdf:ID provides a way of indicating that, in addition to generating the 
usual triple, a reification of that triple with a specific URIref 
(generated from the rdf:ID value) is to be generated as well.  It 
doesn't (I don't think) "attach a URI reference to a triple in an 
RDF/XML document".


pat hayes wrote:

> After reading Frank's Primer text,  I have changed some text in the 
> reification section 3.2.1 of Semantics from this:
> "Although RDF applications may use reification to refer to triple tokens 
> in RDF documents, the connection between the document and its 
> reification must be maintained by some means external to RDF. RDF syntax 
> provides no means to 'connect' an RDF triple to its reification. "
> to this:
> "Although RDF applications may use reification to refer to triple tokens 
> in RDF documents, the connection between the document and its 
> reification must be maintained by some means external to the RDF graph 
> syntax. (The RDF/XML syntax described in RDF/XML Syntax Specification 
> (Revised) [RDF-SYNTAX] provides rdf:Id to attach a URI reference to a 
> triple in an RDF/XML document, and create the corresponding reification.) "
> I hope the WG does not object to this; I think the rather sharp negative 
> was misleading.
> Pat

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-875

Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 12:01:57 UTC