Re: FW: XML literals

Hello Jeremy,

This looks very good. Many thanks for your work.

Regards,    Martin.

At 11:36 03/08/15 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

>Integrating text from Martin and Graham
>(see particularly second bullet point UTF-8)
>The lexical space
>   is the set of all strings:
>   + which are well-balanced, self-contained
><a href="">
>XML content</a> [XML];
>   + for which encoding as [UTF-8] yields exclusive Canonical
>     XML (with comments, with empty InclusiveNamespaces
>     PrefixList ) [XML-XC14N];
>   + for which embedding between an arbitrary XML start tag
>     and an end tag yields a document conforming to XML
>     Namespaces [XML-NS]
>The value space is a set of entities, called XML values, which is:
>   + disjoint from the lexical space
>   + disjoint from the value space of any XML schema datatype [XML-SCHEMA2]
>   + disjoint from the set of Unicode character strings [Unicode]
>   + in 1:1 correspondence with the lexical space.
>The lexical-to-value mapping
>    is a one-one mapping from the lexical space onto the value space,
>    i.e. it is both injective and surjective.
>Note: Not all lexical forms of this datatype are compliant with XML 1.1
>[XML 1.1]. If compliance with XML 1.1 is desired, then only those that are
>fully normalized according to XML 1.1 should be used.
>Note: XML values can be thought of as the [XML Infoset] or
>the [XPath] nodeset corresponding to the lexical form, with an appropriate
>equality function.
>Note: RDF applications may use additional equivalence relations, such as
>that which relates an xsd:string with an rdf:XMLLiteral corresponding to a
>single text node of the same string.
>Graham I think the discussion of the 1-1 mapping is sufficient for the 
>equality between the XML values.
>We could modify last point in value space to
>   + in 1:1 correspondence with the lexical space. (This correspondence 
> preserves equality).
>but I think it is redundant.

Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 11:22:51 UTC