Re: whitespace in XSD and RDF

Revised wording taking Patrick's comments into account.
Hopefully we may consider this text, this afternoon.

a) consider MAY or SHOULD


Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> The proposal is to delete the current note, and add the following:
> [[
> Implementation Note: (normative) 
> In [XML-SCHEMA1], white space normalization occurs during validation according 
> to the value of the whiteSpace facet. The lexical-to-value mapping used in 
> RDF datatyping occurs after this, so that in RDF datatyping the whiteSpace 
> facet formally has no effect. However, in line with the principle of being
> liberal with what is accepted and strict with what is produced:
> + During input processing of XML Schema Datatypes within RDF, software
> SHOULD apply the appropriate whitespace normalization immediatly before
> the lexical to value mapping, and MAY produce a warning if any whitespace
> is changed in this normalization. 

 > + Software generating RDF data SHOULD produce lexical forms
 > which do not require whitespace processing.

> (The keywords MAY and SHOULD are defined in [RFC ????])
> ]]

Received on Friday, 15 August 2003 06:16:30 UTC