- From: Brian McBride <bwm@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 17:37:49 +0100
- To: Jan Grant <Jan.Grant@bristol.ac.uk>
- CC: rdf core <w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org>
Jan, Just checking you saw this on rdf-comments. There are detailed aspects of test cases that need your attention. Brian -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Sesame compliance with RDF Test Cases of August 1 Resent-Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 11:05:56 -0400 (EDT) Resent-From: www-rdf-comments@w3.org Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2003 17:05:50 +0200 From: Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@aidministrator.nl> Organization: Aidministrator Nederland b.v. To: www-rdf-comments@w3.org CC: Dave Beckett <dave.beckett@bristol.ac.uk>, Arjohn Kampman <arjohn.kampman@aidministrator.nl> The following is an overview of Sesame's[3] compliance with the test cases as mentioned in [0], along with editorial comments on the format and presentation of the test cases. Parser Test cases: ------------------ We have run Sesame's RDF parser from Sesame 0.9.2 against the new RDF test cases of 25 July 2003[1]. Of the 170 APPROVED parser test cases, 167 pass and 3 fail. The 3 failing test cases are: * rdfms-seq-representation/test001.rdf This test fails because Sesame's RDF parser generates (_:nodeId, <rdf:type>, <rdf:List>) triples for every bNode that is a list. This is conform the specification of 23 January 2003, but this has been changed in the editor's draft. The parser will be adapted to the new specs once they are officially released. * rdf-charmod-literals-error001.rdf and rdf-charmod-literals-error002.rdf This is a known issue in Sesame's RDF parser: it accepts all unicode encodings and not just Normal Form C. From Peter F. Patel-Schneider's e-mail to rdf-comments [2] we conclude that some discussions are going about dropping this constraint from RDF. We're waiting for the outcome of this discussion before we're starting fixing this issue. Entailment test cases: ---------------------- We have not yet run a full test run with the Entailment test cases mentioned in [0]: to be honest the RDF Core WG caught us off-guard, we were unaware that such a test case set was being prepared until last friday. Negligence on our part I presume. Having examined the test cases, we are somewhat surprised that in fact most test cases seem to deal with borderline details of datatype entailment, and that there are virtually no tests whatsoever concerning more mainstream entailment issues, like class- and property subsumption, cycles in hierarchies, domain and range restrictions, etc. Furthermore there are several test that require further clarification: based on the premise and conclusion data sets it is often confusing to understand why a particular entailment is or is not valid. As a point in case: the tests datatypes/test004(a/b) are both mentioned as positive and negative tests. It is not explained why this is so in [0]. The results presented here are not automatically tested, we have examined the test cases manually, tried out those where we were unsure how Sesame would react, and for the others the results are our opinion on how Sesame _would_ react. Of the 17 approved positive tests, Sesame (0.9.2) passes 7, fails 8, and 2 are unknown. The 8 failed tests are: - datatypes/test007a -> test007b - datatypes/test004b -> test004c - datatypes/test005a -> test005b - datatypes/test003a -> test003b - datatypes/test003b -> test003a - datatypes/test008a -> test008b These all deal with related issues of comparing datatype values to each other. Since a lot of the work concerning datatype entailments seems to be more or less in flux, and a number of editorial changes are anticipated, we will not fix these until a new release of the RDF Semantics WD. - rdfms-seq-representation/empy -> test002 - rdfms-seq-representation/empy -> test004 These cases demands that an empty graph entails that rdf:_1 is a containermembershipproperty, and a subproperty of rdfs:member. The Sesame inferencer is currently implemented in such a way that the rdf:_1 (etc.) properties are only added to the inference process when a container is added to the repository. Thus, the inference is only made later. - xmlsch-02/test001 -> test003 According to this test a well-formed XML-Schema-datatyped literal entails an empty Literal node. We are unclear how this follows from the RDF MT. The 2 unknown tests are those tests that do not present a "conclusion" document, but merely state FALSE. We are unsure how to interpret these tests. Of the 17 approved negative tests, Sesame (0.9.2) passes 11, fails 1, and 3 unknown. The 3 unknown tests are: - datatypes/test004a -> test004b - datatypes/test004b -> test004c Both these tests are also mentioned as positive tests, therefore it is not quite clear what the expected behaviour of the system in fact should be. - datatypes/test002 -> test002b It is simply unclear to us at this moment what aspect of entailment this test is supposed to capture. Remark: for some reason two tests (statement-entailment/test001a and statement-entailment/test002a) are listed twice. Sesame passes the tests, but we are unsure how to interpret the double listing. The 1 failed test is: - xmlsch-02/test002 -> test003 According to the description the supplied literal is not well-formed, but it is not explained why. Clarification in the documentation of the test case might be useful. Editorial remarks: We feel that the current set of entailment test cases over-emphasizes the importance of datatype reasoning, and that in many projects and practical applications, the importance of correct subsumption reasoning is at least as high, if not much higher. The set of test cases should reflect that. Second, we feel that the application of the entailment test cases is severely under-documented. We trust this overview is of some help, and welcome your feedback on our first (admittedly somewhat hurried) findings. Regards, Jeen Broekstra and Arjohn Kampman References: [0]http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/RDFCore/TR/WD-rdf-testcases-20030117/ [1]http://www.w3.org/2000/10/rdf-tests/rdfcore/ [2]http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-comments/2003JulSep/0152.html [3]http://sesame.aidministrator.nl/ -- jeen.broekstra@aidministrator.nl aidministrator nederland b.v. - http://www.aidministrator.nl/ prinses julianaplein 14-b, 3817 cs amersfoort, the netherlands tel. +31-(0)33-4659987 fax. +31-(0)33-4659987
Received on Monday, 4 August 2003 12:52:23 UTC