Re: domains of container membership properties


>> :aaa rdf:_987 :bbb.
>> means that
>> :aaa rdf:type rdfs:Container. <-------
>                                        |
>no it doesn't, since we don't have      |
>                                        |
> rdf:_987 rdfs:domain rdfs:Container .  |
Well, I can prove -----------------------
just using the MT's rdfs2 and rdfs6
(there was a testcase in

Another question is wether
rdf:_987 rdfs:domain rdfs:Container.
and we could think about
{?P rdfs:domain ?A. ?Q rdfs:subPropertyOf ?P} => {?Q rdfs:domain ?A}.
{?P rdfs:range ?A. ?Q rdfs:subPropertyOf ?P} => {?Q rdfs:range ?A}.

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 26 April 2003 20:39:33 UTC