Re: Issue timbl-03 "collection clutter" proposal to close

>>>Dan Brickley said:
> I thought TimBL's point was that the 'this is a List' statements could
> be inferred through knowledge of the rdfs:domain of rdf:first and 
> rdf:rest. Anything familiar with the meaning of these rdf properties 
> will know that they can be truly applied only to lists. In that light,
> forcing parsers to emit this data explicitly is indeed rather redundant.

That was just one of the points, the owl semantics / lemmas / proofs
use rdf:List.  I can't say throw it out since I don't understand if
they are required.  My argument stands until somebody who does tells
me that they are required/not required for these purposes too.


Received on Thursday, 24 April 2003 06:24:21 UTC