URI-CG group chartered

FYI, the URI CG is now officially chartered.

   URI Coordination Group

"The mission of this group is to coordinate ongoing work in the area of
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs); to serve as a coordinating body of
all issues involving URIs in the W3C and act as the coordinating body
for URI issues with other groups.

This includes:

       * coordination of URI issues between W3C and the IETF, including
         monitoring maintenance of IETF/IANA URI scheme registries,
         updating and maintaining materials and documentation on the W3C
         site relevant to URIs, and promoting development of
         supplementary guidelines
       * coordinating review of use of URIs in W3C specifications
       * bringing architectural issues and recommendations to the
         attention of the TAG
       * acting as a resource for information and clarifications
         involving URI issues to the W3C Membership
       * working with other organizations on URI issues where

(These details copied from DanC's announcment to other lists)


Back in the mists of 2002, I volunteered to act as RDFcore liaison for this 

As yet, there's been little activity.  It might be worth noting that Roy 
Fielding is working on a revision to RFC2396 (version available at: 

The IETF URI BOF (a week or so ago) also had some discussion or IRIs.

There were a couple of things raised at the IETF meeting that may be of 
relevance to RDFcore:

(1) a suggestion that "resources" don't exist unless a URI is defined for 
them.  (I raised an objection to this --because we have bnodes-- which was 
somewhat brushed aside with "If RDF has a problem with URIs its RDF's 
problem not URI's problem.  Since the matter is more philosophical than of 
practical import, I don't think it's a big deal.)

(2) allowed characters in IRIs may include space, '<', '>':  this might 
cause some complications for the adoption of IRIs into RDF:  how to 
represent IRIs in RDF containing these characters?  I think these are 
surmountable problems, but ones should be considered before just saying 
that RDF uses IRIs.


Graham Klyne
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Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2003 13:59:34 UTC