Re: in and out of the MT


> In a similar vein, I presume that the new daml-style rdf:Collections
> should be put into the MT document as well.  Any objections?

not at all and we try to backup with running code
so far we have
  rdf:List a rdfs:Class .
  rdf:first a rdf:Property; rdfs:domain rdf:List .
  rdf:rest a rdf:Property; rdfs:domain rdf:List; rdfs:range rdf:List .
  rdf:nil a rdf:List .
but still live with owl:item in owl-rules.n3
  { :rule10a } log:implies { ( ?x ) owl:item ?x } .
  { :rule10b } log:implies { ( ?x / ?b ) owl:item ?x } .
  { :rule10c . ?b owl:item ?x } log:implies { ( ?a / ?b ) owl:item ?x } .


Received on Friday, 31 May 2002 16:54:51 UTC